If your belongings are not necessary or not allowed in the Library, the luggage storage service is available at the WE Library.
Small luggage (within the size of 24 cm x 27 cm x 40 cm) can be stored in the lockers at the entrance on the first floor of the WE Library. Large luggage can be stored at the Luggage Storage in the Service Center in the World Expo Museum..
When using the lockers, please see the following instructions.
1. Please follow the Locker Use Instruction.
2. Do not put valuables (laptops, mobile phones, wallets, keys, and more) in the locker.
3. Please take all your stuff away before the Library's closing time. The Library will remove everything left in the lockers every 9 a.m.
4. Do not put liquid-leaking, odorous, living, and inflammable objects into the lockers.
5. If you need any help, please go to the Service Desk on the first floor of the Library.