Measures for the Administration of the Acceptance of Donated Documentation
Part of the WE Library's responsibilities is to conduct acquisition and reorganization around Expo documentation. The social donation, as an important source of the collection, drives the development of the WE Library. This Measure is designed to encourage further donations and regulate the action of donor and beneficiary, and promote the development of the WE Library.
1. Acceptance Rules
Donated documentation should meet the following requirements:
1.The subject of the documentation should be closely related to Expo bidding, preparation, holding, and further development.
2.Donated documentation should be what the WE Library does not have or requires extra copies.
3.Donated documentation must be the legal, disposal property of the donor.
4.The following documentation is not accepted:
(1)Documentation that violates the Publishing Law, Copyright Law, Archives Law, and other relevant laws;
(2)Damaged or stained documentation;
(3)Books with markings, notes, and commentaries on the top of pages (comments noted by celebrities are not included);
(4)Several volumes of a set of documents (Chinese or international unique copies are still acceptable)
(5)Documentation with outdated and expired content or documentation without reference value;
(5)Other documentation that does not meet the collection development policies of the WE Library.
2. Measures for Handling Donated Documentation
1.Donors should fill in the Registration Form of Intention to Donate Documentation to the WE Library (refer to the attachment), and send to
2.The WE Library reserves the right to make the final decision of whether to accept the donated documentation in accordance with relevant principles and regulations.
3.For documentation that is planned to be accepted, donation methods are as follows.
(1)Donation by post;
(2)In-library donation: Donors can bring the documentation to the WE Library.
(3)If a donor intends to donate a large number of documents or the documents are significant, please contact the WE Library to decide how to transfer the documents to the library together.
(4)During the donation process, if any expense occurs (transport, stapling, repair, customs declaration, etc.), the WE Library should make the request to the corresponding responsible person and implement the procedure in accordance with the procurement regulation of the WEM.
(5)When the donated documentation arrives at the Library, the WE Library immediately holds ownership of the documentation. The Library will properly handle the documentation based on relevant regulations (including preserve, open stack access, transfer, exchange, etc.), so as to make maximum use of the documentation. The Library does not need to inform the donor about further operations regarding the documentation.
3. Donation Agreement
An official Donation Agreement will be signed if the donated documentation has a large quantity, high value, great significance, or special restrictions required by the donor. If the donor is the intellectual property owner of the documentation and hopes to keep full or partial intellectual property ownership of the documentation, the intention should be mentioned in the Agreement.
4. Donation Reward
To express sincere gratitude, the WE Library will give the donor the following rewards in return.
1.The name of the donor will be recorded in the bibliographic records and the Acknowledgement on the library portal.
2.If the donated documentation is used in WE Library exhibitions and publications, the name of the donor will be noted.
3.If the donated documentation is expensive and significant, the BIE and WE Library will jointly issue a certificate to the donor. Publicity on the library portal, WeChat account, and more channels will be carried out by the WE Library for promoting donations.
4.Other types of rewards can be negotiated by both parties.
The Measures shall take effect as of the day of promulgation.
Attachment: Registration Form of Intention to Donate Documentation to the WE Library