WE Library under Construction

[Expo Gallery]

Images and video are the most intuitive ways to record and preserve history.

They show Expo sites, venues, exhibitions, activities, ceremonies, forums, and participants in a vivid manner.

As the official museum and documentation center of BIE, the WEM has been collecting video clips and photos of Expos since its establishment. The WEM started to participate in Expos since 2012. Taking this opportunity, the WEM actively has collected various video clips and photos of Expos to effectively keep valuable visual resources that record the history of Expo.

Video clips and photos collected by the WE Library have been used in various international projects organized by the WEM or museology institutes, media, universities, research institutes across the globe, and more, so as to share Expo wisdom and spread Expo culture in the following fields:

- Book publication

- Exhibition

- Cultural and creative development

- Video production

- Academic research

- Event and exposition

The WE Library will continue organizing and releasing Expo video materials. Readers can access these materials via E-Desks in the Library. Also, readers can read relevant regulations and contact library@expo.cn for further information regarding resource search and use.