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  2021,The issue WORLD EXPO MUSEUM BULLETIN 2020 be published.
  This issue of the museum bulletin continues the previous section settings layout to show its fruitful working results and convey the dynamics of the entire Expo community in 2020.
  11 academic papers of the WEM staff were included in this issue. And three colleagues have explored Museology and Interdiscipline from the perspective of public relations, communication, and Expo studies respectively, their articles have been selected into the Seminar on Relationships between Museology and Interdiscipline 2021 held by Museum Professional Committee of Chinese Museums Association.
  The year 2020 marks the -year anniversary of Expo 2010 Shanghai. This issue of museum journal has reprinted the article by Hong Hao, the former director of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination Bureau and the chairman of the Museum’s Board of Directors, which was originally published in the bulletin of the BIE discussing how the mega events attract extensive participation, expand social influence, and increase social cohesion during the preparation of the World Expo.
  This issue has reprinted an article written by Mayuko Sano, Professor of Kyoto University and the leader of the society for Expo-logy, which explains the Japan’s national image building at the earlier Expos and responds to World Expo community’s attention to the Expo 2025 Osaka.
  Published by Shanghai Scientific & Technical Publishers
The first 50 pages of this book are for online trial reading. Welcome to the first floor of the Expo library to read the whole book。